Reverse Gable Elevation



A reverse gable option features a roofline where a gable is positioned on the front or back side of the home, creating a unique, symmetrical look. This change alters the traditional roofline and enhances the home’s curb appeal.

This option is only offered on these models:

  • 56′ Chelsea
  • 56′ Charlotte
  • Chesaning
  • 60′ Grayling
  • 60′ Kingston
  • 56′ Manchester
  • 60′ Manistee
  • 60′ Marshall
  • 56′ Northport

With this option, the door is recessed 1′ to complement the design, and the roof is swapped from 4:12 to 6:12 minimum. Please note, the porch is not included and must be ordered separately.